SLPA officials visit CMA-CGM America

SLPA officials visit CMA-CGM America

SLPA Chairman Keith D. Bernard presents a token of appreciation to the CMA – CGM Deputy CEO and Executive Vice President North America Jean Yves Duval. The Secretary to the Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Aviation K.D.S. Ruwanchandra is also present 

Officials from the Sri Lanka Ports Authority (SLPA) met with representatives from CMA-CGM America during a recent official visit to Virginia, United States. They discussed the current status and ongoing and future developments at the Port of Colombo (POC). CMA-CGM America officials expressed their commendable impressions of the current development and future development plans for capacity building at the Port of Colombo. CMA-CGM Deputy CEO and Executive Vice President of North America Jean Yves Duval, presented the CMA-CGM company profile and expansion plans. He also participated in discussions aimed at furthering relations with the Port of Colombo. 

(Source: Daily Mirror)